The picture is of part of my vegetable garden. The last few weeks, I have been working in it, spreading compost and raking; generally looking very busy without really accomplishing all that much. I had noticed a couple of rows of what is either kale or chard looking rather green and alive amid the lifeless garden. "Hmm," I think to myself, "It must have frozen that way." Some instinct tells me to leave it alone and see what happens - probably Nature's gentle whisper even though she had every right to howl, "LEAVE it ALONE, you fool! I KNOW what I'm doing which makes ONE us". Sure enough, it is growing new leaves and making a bare, brown strip of ground realize all it can be.
I never knew chard or kale came back every year. I thought it was like lettuce, it dies off in the fall and you replant it in the spring. I wonder if it is like rhubarb and will eventually take over my garden? It'd serve me right for being such a brainless wonder not to know it was a perennial. Right now though, I'm pretty temped to think myself an accomplished gardener. I mean I'm growing things way before they should have even been planted. Hmm, that's strange; I thought I just heard a long, aggravated, exasperated howl from the garden...
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