Aromatherapy is basically using the healing properties of plants in a very concentrated form. I got into Aromatherapy about 8 years ago. I basically got tired of buying medical or health products containing unpronounceable ingredients. I absolutely had no idea what these ingredients side effects were. I could find out if I wanted to spend hours and hours of research ferreting out the info. I'd rather spend the time learning how to make things myself. I know what's in them, I have absolute quality control and I don't have to worry about tampering.
I've gone from making very simple remedies and room diffusers to making my own creams, salves, sunblock and insect repellent, etc. Some are a lot more successful than others and I'm still on quite the learning curve. But I enjoy it and not only do we all seem to be going to the doctor less, we seem to be getting less illnesses altogether. My interest in Aromatherapy has naturally lead to Herbals and Flower Remedies. The herbals are getting be central to my remedies and recipes because I can grow and dry them myself now.
I started very slowly and gingerly; I knew just because something was 'natural' didn't mean it was automatically safe. All the aromatherapy I had could fit into a shoe box with lots of room left over. Now it's all over the place. I have two shelves in one closet devoted to the oils themselves, an old refinished kitchen cupboard holds books, bases oils, salts, etc. And a baker's rack stuffed with essential oil diffusers. I can't seem to get an interest without it turning into another collection of something or another. In this case, unique or interesting oil burners as the ones in the picture.
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