I've always made soup from scratch. When I had lots of leftovers and lots of time. I'm making it more and more lately. I call it my Everything-but-the-Kitchen-Sink-Soup. What I lack is a recipe so I just use my imagination. If I don't have noodles, I'll use pasta, if I don't have pasta, I'll use rice, no rice then I'll use barley. Vegetables and herbs are first and foremost whatever is getting tired in the fridge then I'll go to frozen from our own garden.
E.B.T.K.S. is a big hit around here. It always was pretty popular but I've noticed a lot more requests for it. I think one of the reasons is the broth, especially when I use rabbit as the base. Rabbit stock or broth is the best I've ever had. It is mild but so flavourful! It tends to be less greasy and and more nutritious. The greatest thing about it is that it is so easy to make.
But soup is just soup, no biggie. I have to admit though, there is a satisfaction to putting together a soup and know everything but the noodles (and a couple of spices) has been grown on The DaM Farm. It's probably psychosomatic, but it seems to make a world of difference in taste. Who knew that satisfaction was a flavour?