As it happens, we had some people show up the other day. They knew about us through friends and had contacted us by phone. Well, actually they left a message which I was meaning to return as soon as possible...and the weeks passed.
They were driving by and saw me in the butterfly garden and stopped in for a visit. Which was great, it's always nice to meet like-minded people. They are interested in raising meat rabbits and wanted to see my set up. I certainly don't raise rabbits in a conventional way but who knows, may-be they could pick up a useful tidbit or two of useful information.
The conversation meandered and jumped as it often does when people are just getting to know each other. When we were talking about gardens, they mentioned they had planted naked pumpkins. That was curious, so I asked what was a naked pumpkin. And the answer fascinated me; naked pumpkins don't have hulls around the seeds, they just have seeds.
In the summer, I give the dogs ground up organic raw pumpkin seeds to keep worms away. I cannot use the pumpkin seeds I have because it is such a pain to husk them. In fact, I find it impossible. The only recommended way I have ever found suggest to whirl the seeds around in a food processor then add water so the broken husks float to the top and the broken seeds sink to the bottom. I was planning to try that this Autumn. But if I can just grow pumpkins that don't have to be husked, well that's the way to go.
So when these kind people explained the naked pumpkin to me, I sort of gushed and was amazed and said I just had to get me some. A few days later, that kind lady showed up again bearing gifts: a few Scarlet running beans with a bit of thyme growing with them and a naked pumpkin. All, she said, were extras that she wouldn't be using anyway. It turns out that I had a few things that she would like to try. Some comfrey, lambs ear, lemon balm, catnip and apple mint that all could comfortably give up a clump or two. I like trading plants back an forth, it's comfortable and it's interesting. The plants grow and so does the spirit of co-operation.
So now I have a naked pumpkin. I hope it grows well and has lots of pumpkins. I am not going to rush summer, it can stay as long as it wants; but I kinda can't wait for Autumn now. I should really bite my tongue for saying that.