This happened about a month ago. It all started when I noticed a change in attitude in Chandler. Chandler is the #2 rooster. He basically plays second fiddle to Captain Morgan. They don't fight but Captain Morgan would get in Chandler's face if he felt Chandler was getting a little too close. Chandler would always run away, he never challenged Captain Morgan. But those incidents were rare, mostly the two just ignored each other. They both had their own little harem of hens and basically co-existed in harmony. Then the attitude change, Chandler started challenging me! The first time, he went for my legs. I just chased him around, caught him and held him down letting him know that was totally unacceptable behavior. But he did it again within the week. Now, if I had any brains in my head at this time, I would have separated him or, more practically, sent him to the freezer. But I didn't because he's a Partridge Chantecler rooster and I only have 2 P.C. hens. I wanted more. Unfortunately, the two hens went broody last spring before I could separate them with Chandler and collect the eggs. So my plan was to wait until the hens were finished raising their clutches and have a late summer breeding. I also reasoned that he was just challenging me, he still ran away from Captain Morgan so there wouldn't be an issue there. Nothing more than what I wanted and my inexperience made the decision. And it was is direct contrast to what I always said I'd do; I would never keep a rooster who was viscous. Small as roosters are, they can be dangerous, especially for children. But there were no grandkids visiting and wouldn't be so, just this once, I'd keep the rooster until I got more eggs from his hens. In short, I was just being stupid.
Just to be on the safe side, I started carrying a rake with me when I had to be anywhere near Chandler. He always backed off when he saw the rake and life went on. Then I walked into the Coop and found Captain Morgan and Chandler going at it. Obviously Chandler decided the time had come not to run away which I would have seen coming had I the experience to pay attention to the warning signs. It was horrible. Both were bloody and panting. I separated them using the rake. I cleaned both up. Chandler fought me tooth and nail, but Captain Morgan snuggled and let me attend to his wounds. Neither was mortally wounded. In fact all wounds were superficial and were all situated around the head area. They hadn't used their spurs on each other. Captain Morgan did get the worse of it, though and I'm pretty sure he would have lost the fight.

Battle scarred Captain Morgan. He's all healed now and feeling fine.
I have decided that from now on, the coop is one rooster only. I don't care how well two roosters seem to be getting along, I don't ever want a fight like that again. I will stay with Buff Orpingtons because that is what my rooster is. The two Chantecler hens that go broody at a drop of a hat (I have one who's broody again after just raising a clutch) will not be butchered this fall. They can stay and be as broody as they want for as long as they want. Hopefully some crossbreeds of these two will be good broody hens too.

Captain Morgan, the reigning (and only) rooster.