Everything is frozen solid, or so it seems. The Dam looks like nothing but ice. But in the still of the morning, when the grey sky is just tinged with orange and red, I can hear the water flowing under the thick frozen skin of the river.
Everything is chilled to the bone, or is it? I found one of Ceilidh's kits out of the nest box, not moving, cold and stiff. I brought him in and wrapped him in a towel. Placing him in front of the heater, I hoped for the best and prepared for the worse. Ten minutes later, the towel is moving slightly and soon enough, a little furry head peeked out. Didn't even have frostbite on his ears.
Every thing has been frozen lifeless or perhaps not. Our house, still and frosted on the outside looks frozen in time. Yet inside, it is warm, full of life and movement.
Beautiful and amazing inner warmth; where would we be without it?