I can't do that anymore because the one and only place here that sells aromatherapy products, while perfectly delightful, is more of a gift shop is limited in their selection of oils. But I have found the next best thing, mail order. After trying a few places, I find the perfect website to suit my needs. Essential Aura Aromatherapy has a great selection and are offer many fair trade, organic products. Perfect. So once, may-be twice a year, I'll go through all my oils and see what I'm running low on and what I need. Then I'll grab my trusty aromatherapy books and look at profiles of oils I might want to try. With list in hand, I'll go to the website and poke around there for a while. It's just joy, looking and reading and learning. I've been doing aromatherapy for ten years and am still learning all the time. Then I'll make my order.
Within a week, it comes. A plain brown package all gussied up with tape, labels and a glaring red sticker proclaiming fragile contents, handle with care. I open it up and enjoy old familiar scents and delight in new aromas. The oasis has arrived.
Note: I am in no way associated with Essential Aura Aromatherapy, I just love their products.