I did find out that sometimes on regular corn stalks you can find one or two baby corn growing with the big ear of corn, just at the base. I have never seen that here but I wasn't looking for it, either. I will keep an eye out for when the regular corn is ready.
One thing I won't do again is transplant baby corn in with the regular corn. It's a bit of a challenge to figure out what is what. The baby corn stalks are just as tall and robust as the regular ones. I knew the baby corns for sure were the ones with the brown corn silk but that's not going to help much if I want to start picking it before it turns brown. I only transplanted the baby corns because the second seeding of regular corn was rather erratic and there were lots of empty spaces in the rows. The baby corn I had planted in front of the chick run to provide some shade for them was thick and over-crowded so I figured it'd be a good idea to move some. I've read corn doesn't do well when transplanted but this stuff did great.
I am going to save a few cobs for seeds. I hope they will sprout but they may not if this corn is hybrid and is unable to re-produce itself. For the time being, I'll just enjoy what I have!
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