Saturday, April 10, 2010

Empty Nest Syndrome

I wrote a little while ago about finding a bunch of eggs and thinking I had a broody hen or two. You can read about that here. Well, Mocha sat on the eggs for two days and I thought everything was hunky-dory. On the third day, she got off the nest and started pacing by the fence to get out. She kept it up all day so that night I let her go back to the main coop. I figured if the eggs were cooled for 24 hours, they were toast anyhow. Out of the eight eggs, I was able to use 3 or 4 in baking, they passed the water test. The others were iffy so I didn't used them. Out of the eight, seven had no sign starting life. One had a little cobwebby blood threads may-be a quarter inch long. A disappointment for sure, but valuable lessons learned and I know much more about broodiness, half -broodiness and stubbornness passing as broodiness.

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