Dusk is going to be eight years old this spring. That's considered to be senior for a dog his size, 130 pounds. Actually, his breed mix usually doesn't get much older than five, I have heard, and most don't even make it to three. But Dusk trundles along. He's a little stiff in the hindquarters some mornings but he does have hip dysplasia. Happily, with a natural diet and a couple of supplements, the H.D. doesn't bother him. Or hasn't until now. Dusk still enjoys his romps in the snow and sniffing all the smells. He's still interested in all the goings on here. He's always ready with picked-up ears, a wagging tail and a goofy smile for whoever visits.
It's all about the quality of life, the one he has and the one he gives. Both are going strong :).
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