First it was slushy rain, then snow, then those miserable little ice pellets that nature sharpens to razor sharp points then snow again. Except the snow this morning is coming in sideways on account of the wind. Oh, just lovely stuff. Not all that cold, the temp is hovering around 0 c and that's some comfort.
So I go out and see to the chickens, grumbling all the way. The chickens, none too happy that I'm not letting them out again, are all miserable and grumbling, not that they'd go out in this kind of weather anyhow. They're just grumbling on general principals. Just a real cheery day and not an egg in sight.
I grumble all the way in. Then I look back out and, there, where I keep my bird feeders, are a few American Goldfinches clinging to the feeder with all their might having their breakfast. And from the little chirps and bright eyes, I'm figuring they're mighty happy to be eating. Little tiny birds braving 100 km per hour wind gusts and I'm whining because I have to truck to the chicken coop? The birds may be small but not they're insignificant unlike my grumblings which are both.

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