This ailment, as far as I have learned, is commonly called 'cross beak'. The jury is still out on whether it's a genetic thing or a hatch deformity. The usual 'treatment' is to kill the bird. Kind of harsh if you ask me. The theory is they can't eat and will starve to death. So I watch little Bagel Face very carefully and right now he is eating fine and is growing just as well as the other chicks. What's more, he's happy and bright, he gets along with all the chicks and no-one picks on him. He's one of the first ones to greet me in the morning. He's inquisitive and curious. I just can't look at him for too long because I'll burst out laughing. He's a sweet little bird, all things considered. Most importantly, his quality of life is the same as all the other chicks. He's not suffering and he's not unhappy. So unless that changes, I don't see any reason to do him in right now.
So is it impossible to straighten his beak or is that just too impossible?
Well, according to your grandmother, I should be sending him to an orthodentist! She thought that was pretty funny.
I have read that you can try either filing or dremeling the beak. But that is for a much more experienced chicken person than I. I would really need to see something like that done before I would try it on my own.
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