Our 81 year old neighbour came on over to chat with Don Friday night, he offered to help Don put the rafters in place. I wasn't all that thrilled, I didn't want him to get hurt. Well, today he came over and I had a big discussion with him about it. I suggested he just tell us how to do it, 'supervise', as it were, and Don, son and I would do the work. My dear neighbour proceeded to tell me that it wasn't " work for the womens". No, of course not. How could delicate little me be helpful? Hey, I can put up walls, may-be not in the right place, but still, I can get 'em up there. Anyhow, nothing would dissuade him and within 2 hours all the rafters were in place and nailed. Don and I couldn't believe how fast it went. Our neighbour sure showed us that 81 is the new 50 around here. It helps when there is someone around who actually knows what they are doing, there's a lot less discussion on how to do it. Don and I tend to get circular in our discussions on how proceed: "I don't know, what do you think?" "Beats me, what do you think?" And around and around it goes.
Don and son are putting up the plywood on the roof now. Son, aka the spider-monkey, is very adept at scrambling around on a high pitch roof, he has no fear of heights and being a teen-ager, is pretty sure he is never going to die anyway.
With the help of good neighbours and a fearless, agile son it's getting there very s-l-o-w-l-y. Realizing that this might be case of famous last words, I venture to say the chickens should be in by the week-end.
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