Saturday, January 16, 2010

Indoor Winter Planting

Going through the seed catalogues inspired me to get going on my windowsill planting. That and the fact the rabbits are almost out of the food I dried for them. I still have some dandelion, mint and cornstalks left but they will probably be gone in a week or two. Happily oats and barley spout really fast so they at least will be ready by the time the dried stuff runs out. I'm going to try a couple of new things this time. Along with the oats, barley and sunflower shoots, I'll try corn shoots and may-be beets and carrot tops. My original goal was to have fast growing vegetation that will re-grow at least three times after being cut down. While that is still the most important, I'm thinking a few slower things will add variety and that's always a good thing. I'll see how it goes.

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