Mandelas is growing up and the ugly is keeping pace
I call this her dishevelled stage. Her feathers are sticking up all over the place and not two seem to be the same length. It looks like she had a major fight with a hair dryer and lost big time. I only realize how ugly she is when I look at pictures of her. In real life, her personality shines so bright it just burns the ugly away. She's a bright, inquisitive, cheery little thing. Never nasty and loves to be petted and held. She's about two months old now.I'm calling her Mandalas now because from all accounts it looks like she is a female. When she goes out to the coop, I will have two pairs of Guineas, a pair of light uglies and a pair of dark uglies. If it was Spring, I probably could put her out now but I think it's just too cold for her now.
She really enjoys being out of her cage and trying her wings out. I let her out when I am doing the rabbit chores. I still have my bucks downstairs. She's constantly underfoot, watching everything I do, and giving her opinion. Good thing I don't understand Guinea be
cause I don't think she's always complementary in her comments. She very curious about the rabbits but they don't seem to be really impressed with her. Probably because she's always trying to peek inside their ears. I think it's either envy or she's sure there is some hidden treasure in them.
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